Mississippi Head Start Association
What did you like about the training? What could be improved?
Would you like more assistance and trianing in excel for data analysis?
Do you need additional help creating your goals, objectives and/or measurable outcomes?
Is it time for you to complete your comprehensive community assessment?
Would you like personalized and customized training for your program staff to increase the quality of data analysis?
If so, contact us! We would love to support your program directly!
We appreciate your participating and enjoyed getting to know you over the last three months!
Nolo & Maya
Training #3 (March 19, 2015): Using Your Program Data to Measure Program Impact and Improve Decision Making
PowerPoint Presentation
Planning in Head Start:
Excel Examples:
Training #2 (February 19, 2015): Program Goals, Objectives and Expected Outcomes
PowerPoint Presentation
Five Year Grant Prezi

Resources and Handouts
Training #1 (January 20, 2015): Community Assessments
PowerPoint Presentation
CA Prezi

Resources and Handouts
PIR data sample - data gathered from: https://hses.ohs.acf.hhs.gov
National Low Income Housing Coalition (2014 Out of Reach Report)
Data for MS HS/EHS Grantees:
10 Year Child Population Growth by County (click image)
Parking Lot Items....
Text illustration tool: WORDLE
Website mentioned by Nita Norphlet-Thompson: http://www.deltacompact.org/aboutus/default.aspx
Supplemental Housing Benefits (Section 8) - See "HUD: Resident Characteristics Report" above